Getting Started
Know Your Risks

Cancer of the colon or rectum (colorectal cancer) usually develops slowly, over several years. Take this simple assessment to learn about your risks for this type of cancer.

OverviewSee All
 Facts About Blood in Overview
Detailed information on blood, including components of blood, functions of blood cells, and common blood tests. ...more
 Leukemia: Introduction in Overview
Leukemia is cancer that starts in the bone marrow. When you have leukemia, your body makes too many blood cells, and they aren't normal. ...more
 Leukemia: Risk Factors in Overview
Anyone can get leukemia. In many people, the cause of their leukemia isn't known. But some things do increase your risk. ...more
 AIDS-Related Lymphoma in Children in Overview
AIDS-related lymphoma is a type of cancer called non-Hodgkin lymphoma. It grows in some people with AIDS. AIDS is a disease that weakens the immune system. AIDS raises the risk for long-term (chronic) disease, such as cancer. ...more
 Facts About Blood in Overview
Detailed information on blood, including components of blood, functions of blood cells, and common blood tests. ...more
 Leukemia: Introduction in Overview
Leukemia is cancer that starts in the bone marrow. When you have leukemia, your body makes too many blood cells, and they aren't normal. ...more
 Leukemia: Risk Factors in Overview
Anyone can get leukemia. In many people, the cause of their leukemia isn't known. But some things do increase your risk. ...more
 AIDS-Related Lymphoma in Children in Overview
AIDS-related lymphoma is a type of cancer called non-Hodgkin lymphoma. It grows in some people with AIDS. AIDS is a disease that weakens the immune system. AIDS raises the risk for long-term (chronic) disease, such as cancer. ...more
Understanding Your DiagnosisSee All
 Bone Marrow Biopsy in Understanding Your Diagnosis
A bone marrow biopsy involves removing a small sample of the bone marrow inside your bones for testing. Read on to learn what to expect before, during, and after this procedure. ...more
 Lumbar Puncture in Understanding Your Diagnosis
A lumbar puncture (LP) or spinal tap may be done to diagnose or treat a condition....more
 Bone Marrow Biopsy in Understanding Your Diagnosis
A bone marrow biopsy involves removing a small sample of the bone marrow inside your bones for testing. Read on to learn what to expect before, during, and after this procedure. ...more
 Lumbar Puncture in Understanding Your Diagnosis
A lumbar puncture (LP) or spinal tap may be done to diagnose or treat a condition....more
Deciding on TreatmentSee All
Chemo is the main treatment for nearly all people with acute lymphocytic leukemia....more
Chemotherapy is the main treatment for nearly all people with acute myeloid leukemia....more
 Bone Marrow Transplant in Other Treatments
Detailed information on bone marrow transplant, including preparation, types of transplant, transplant team, and possible procedure-related complications or side effects. ...more
ChemotherapyOther Treatments
Chemo is the main treatment for nearly all people with acute lymphocytic leukemia....more
Chemotherapy is the main treatment for nearly all people with acute myeloid leukemia....more
 Bone Marrow Transplant in Other Treatments
Detailed information on bone marrow transplant, including preparation, types of transplant, transplant team, and possible procedure-related complications or side effects. ...more
Managing Side EffectsSee All
You may have difficulty eating or lose your appetite during cancer treatment. Try eating small, frequent meals throughout the day. To improve your appetite, don't drink beverages with your meals. ...more
Fatigue can come and go or stay constant for a while. Fatigue from chemotherapy tends to happen a few days after the treatment, peaks, and then gets better before the next treatment. Fatigue from radiation may not happen right away. ...more
Chemotherapy Side EffectsOther Treatment Side Effects
You may have difficulty eating or lose your appetite during cancer treatment. Try eating small, frequent meals throughout the day. To improve your appetite, don't drink beverages with your meals. ...more
Fatigue can come and go or stay constant for a while. Fatigue from chemotherapy tends to happen a few days after the treatment, peaks, and then gets better before the next treatment. Fatigue from radiation may not happen right away. ...more
Cancer FAQsSee All
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