Getting Started
Know Your Risks

Cancer of the colon or rectum (colorectal cancer) usually develops slowly, over several years. Take this simple assessment to learn about your risks for this type of cancer.

OverviewSee All
 Understanding Bones in Overview
A typical bone in your body contains 3 types of tissue - a hard outer tissue, a sponge-like inner tissue, and smooth tissue at the ends. ...more
 Primary Bone Cancer: Introduction in Overview
Primary bone cancer is cancer that begins in your bones. This type of cancer is rare. It occurs more often in children and teens than in adults. ...more
 Chondrosarcoma in Overview
Chondrosarcoma is the second most common type of primary bone cancer in adults. It mainly affects the cartilage cells of the femur, arm, pelvis, knee, and spine. ...more
 Multiple Myeloma: Treatment Questions in Overview
Talking with healthcare providers about your cancer can be overwhelming. Read on for a helpful list of questions that you can bring to your appointments. ...more
 Osteosarcoma in Overview
Osteosarcoma often affects the long bones around the knee. It happens most often in children, teens, and young adults. ...more
 Primary Bone Cancer: Risk Factors in Overview
Anyone can get primary bone cancer. But there are some factors that can increase your risk. ...more
 Understanding Bones in Overview
A typical bone in your body contains 3 types of tissue - a hard outer tissue, a sponge-like inner tissue, and smooth tissue at the ends. ...more
 Primary Bone Cancer: Introduction in Overview
Primary bone cancer is cancer that begins in your bones. This type of cancer is rare. It occurs more often in children and teens than in adults. ...more
 Chondrosarcoma in Overview
Chondrosarcoma is the second most common type of primary bone cancer in adults. It mainly affects the cartilage cells of the femur, arm, pelvis, knee, and spine. ...more
 Multiple Myeloma: Treatment Questions in Overview
Talking with healthcare providers about your cancer can be overwhelming. Read on for a helpful list of questions that you can bring to your appointments. ...more
 Osteosarcoma in Overview
Osteosarcoma often affects the long bones around the knee. It happens most often in children, teens, and young adults. ...more
 Primary Bone Cancer: Risk Factors in Overview
Anyone can get primary bone cancer. But there are some factors that can increase your risk. ...more
Understanding Your DiagnosisSee All
X-rays use invisible electromagnetic energy beams to make images of internal tissues, bones, and organs. Standard X-rays are done for many reasons, including diagnosing tumors or bone injuries. ...more
This procedure may be used to diagnose back or neck pain, fractures or broken bones, arthritis, degeneration of the disks, tumors, or other problems. ...more
 Bone Scan in Understanding Your Diagnosis
A bone scan is an imaging test used to look at the skeleton. It is done to find areas of physical and chemical changes in bone. A bone scan may also be used to see if treatment of certain conditions is working. ...more
Computed tomography is an imaging test that uses X-rays and a computer to make detailed images of the body. A CT scan shows details of the bones, muscles, fat, and organs. ...more
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses a large magnet, radiofrequencies, and a computer to make detailed pictures of organs and structures within the body. It is used to diagnose health problems. ...more
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses a large magnet, radiofrequencies, and a computer to make detailed images of organs and structures within the body, in this case, the brain and spine. MRI is used to help diagnose a health problem. ...more
 Bone Biopsy in Understanding Your Diagnosis
A bone biopsy is a procedure done to remove tissue or cells from the body to be looked at under a microscope. ...more
The stage of a cancer is how much and how far the cancer has spread in your body. Read on to learn about the stages of primary bone cancer. ...more
X-rays use invisible electromagnetic energy beams to make images of internal tissues, bones, and organs. Standard X-rays are done for many reasons, including diagnosing tumors or bone injuries. ...more
This procedure may be used to diagnose back or neck pain, fractures or broken bones, arthritis, degeneration of the disks, tumors, or other problems. ...more
 Bone Scan in Understanding Your Diagnosis
A bone scan is an imaging test used to look at the skeleton. It is done to find areas of physical and chemical changes in bone. A bone scan may also be used to see if treatment of certain conditions is working. ...more
Computed tomography is an imaging test that uses X-rays and a computer to make detailed images of the body. A CT scan shows details of the bones, muscles, fat, and organs. ...more
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses a large magnet, radiofrequencies, and a computer to make detailed pictures of organs and structures within the body. It is used to diagnose health problems. ...more
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses a large magnet, radiofrequencies, and a computer to make detailed images of organs and structures within the body, in this case, the brain and spine. MRI is used to help diagnose a health problem. ...more
 Bone Biopsy in Understanding Your Diagnosis
A bone biopsy is a procedure done to remove tissue or cells from the body to be looked at under a microscope. ...more
The stage of a cancer is how much and how far the cancer has spread in your body. Read on to learn about the stages of primary bone cancer. ...more
Deciding on TreatmentSee All
A look at the types of treatment for primary bone cancer, and the goals of treatment....more
Chemotherapy is an important part of treatment for some types of bone cancers. But it may not be helpful for other types. Learn when chemotherapy is used and what you can expect. ...more
Radiation therapy can be part of the treatment for some types of primary bone cancers. Learn what you can expect before, during, and after radiation therapy. ...more
Surgery is part of the main treatment for most primary bone cancers. Learn about the types of surgery that may be used, and what you can expect. ...more
It helps to be prepared when talking with your healthcare providers about your cancer. That's why we created this helpful list of questions to ask about all aspects of your treatment. And check out our tips for getting the most out of your provider visit, too. ...more
Talking with healthcare providers about your cancer can be overwhelming. Read on for a helpful list of questions that you can bring to your appointments. ...more
A look at the types of treatment for primary bone cancer, and the goals of treatment....more
Chemotherapy is an important part of treatment for some types of bone cancers. But it may not be helpful for other types. Learn when chemotherapy is used and what you can expect. ...more
Radiation therapy can be part of the treatment for some types of primary bone cancers. Learn what you can expect before, during, and after radiation therapy. ...more
Surgery is part of the main treatment for most primary bone cancers. Learn about the types of surgery that may be used, and what you can expect. ...more
It helps to be prepared when talking with your healthcare providers about your cancer. That's why we created this helpful list of questions to ask about all aspects of your treatment. And check out our tips for getting the most out of your provider visit, too. ...more
Talking with healthcare providers about your cancer can be overwhelming. Read on for a helpful list of questions that you can bring to your appointments. ...more
Managing Side EffectsSee All
You may have difficulty eating or lose your appetite during cancer treatment. Try eating small, frequent meals throughout the day. To improve your appetite, don't drink beverages with your meals. ...more
Fatigue can come and go or stay constant for a while. Fatigue from chemotherapy tends to happen a few days after the treatment, peaks, and then gets better before the next treatment. Fatigue from radiation may not happen right away. ...more
Chemotherapy Side EffectsOther Treatment Side Effects
You may have difficulty eating or lose your appetite during cancer treatment. Try eating small, frequent meals throughout the day. To improve your appetite, don't drink beverages with your meals. ...more
Fatigue can come and go or stay constant for a while. Fatigue from chemotherapy tends to happen a few days after the treatment, peaks, and then gets better before the next treatment. Fatigue from radiation may not happen right away. ...more
Cancer FAQsSee All
 Bone Cancer: Overview in Cancer FAQs
Primary bone cancer is cancer that starts in your bones. It is also sometimes just called bone cancer. Learn more about symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments. ...more
 Bone Cancer: Overview in Cancer FAQs
Primary bone cancer is cancer that starts in your bones. It is also sometimes just called bone cancer. Learn more about symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments. ...more